Speaker interview with Coran Darling, AI & Data Analytics at DLA Piper

“AI in industry should be viewed by organizations and employees as an Ironman suit, rather than a terminator; its main benefit will be levelling up the capabilities in us all, not simply replacing us with a robotic version of ourselves.”
In this interview, we had the privilege of delving into Coran Darling's journey and expectations for The AI Summit Singapore.
Currently a member of DLA Piper’s AI & Data Analytics team, Coran helps companies navigate global technology regulations, focusing on AI, open-source software, and data. His work on AI policy and generative AI has been discussed by governmental committees in the UK and abroad. We spoke with Coran about his involvement in AI and his upcoming session at the summit.
Singapore is the fastest-growing market for artificial intelligence (AI) talent in the Asia-Pacific, according to LinkedIn data - please elaborate on your background and relationship with tech, and how your journey lead you to your current role?
My background sits at the meeting point of technology and law/policy. Much of my work revolves around helping organizations understand not only what laws say they are required to do as they seek to benefit from the use of AI and other innovative technologies, but what this means practically for their business and operations. Most entities may understand that an AI System is captured by regulation but may not totally grasp just how this interplays with their responsibilities and what effective governance measures are needed in order to leverage technology in a safe and responsible way, which is where I come in. My role has naturally become more technical in nature as it has become necessary to understand the tools and business of organizations in order to give the best direction in tackling AI and data head on.
Why do you believe generative AI and LLMs are crucial for enterprises in the realm of data-driven decision-making? Provide a concise explanation.
Generative AI and LLMs are much like any revolutionary technology—those that use the technology effectively will more often than not far outperform those who are not involved in its use. To be able to take significant quantities of data and condense it into a manageable system that can be understood by humans is an incredible advantage for anyone seeking to capitalize on AI.
What excites you about The AI Summit Singapore, and what can the audience expect from your session?
The most exciting thing about the Summit (for me personally) is getting so many likeminded people in one place to discuss novel ideas, tackle big industry challenges, and find opportunities to leverage technology for commerce and to better certain elements of society. My session focuses on the environmental cost of AI and digital infrastructure—a timely subject in a world contemplating environmental changes and finite resources.
Discuss the challenges or hurdles encountered in incorporating generative AI into your industry.
The biggest challenge within my industry is the apprehension to embrace technological change. The legal industry is one that is rooted in traditional practices, from how we create law to its interpretation. This mindset is certainly changing with law firms and organizations more actively seeking to involve themselves in AI, but it has been slow at points.
AI spending within the APAC region is on the rise, are there any industries or applications where you’re particularly optimistic about the applications of AI in the next year?
I am always excited to hear about new generative capabilities and what they can do for organizations. The ability to generate code, text, and video from a natural language prompt reduces some significant barriers to entry in several professions, making for a much more inclusive working environment.
If you're interested in joining Coran and other leading figures from the AI community in APAC, secure your seat now – limited availability!