Edward (Ted) Pretty
Chairman at Sustainable Metal Cloud


Edward (Ted) Pretty is the current Chairman of Firmus and Sustainable Metal Cloud (SMC), two companies leading the transformation in AI infrastructure and sustainable energy solutions. With a career spanning over four decades, Ted has held positions in senior executive, board and chair roles at ASX-listed companies such as NextDC Limited, Covota (Cipherpoint Limited), RP Data Limited, Tech Mahindra Group, and Fujitsu (Australia & New Zealand).

Ted played a pivotal role as executive of Telstra Corporation Limited, transitioning them to online business, and brings a wealth of experience and business expertise to his current leadership role. Ted's academic background includes a Bachelor's Degree in Arts (Economics) and a First Class Honours Degree in Law.

Agenda Sessions

  • Godzilla vs Kong – The Sustainability and Compute Showdown
