Cathy Arnold
Acting Chief of Data Services at SEEK


Cathy is Acting Chief of Data Services at SEEK, where she leads a team of 70 engineers and specialists enabling SEEK’s analytical and AI use cases.

In her previous role as Director of AI Product, Cathy led a project to transform SEEK’s Artificial Intelligence capability to deliver AI-driven products at scale. The team adopted a model of diverse teams of data scientists, engineers, product managers and other specialists, and underwent rapid growth from 35 to 160+ professionals over 4 years. As a result, AI-driven matching is now at the heart of SEEK’s value proposition, helping candidates discover new opportunities and businesses find new talent.

Prior to joining SEEK, Cathy spent 11 years in corporate strategy and strategy consulting, working in diverse industries (telecommunications, financial services, private equity and others) and geographies (Australia, Hong Kong, Philippines, France and the UK). Cathy has an MBA from INSEAD (France and Singapore) and degrees in Software Engineering and French from the University of Melbourne.