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27 - 29 May 2025
Singapore Expo

Kelvin Lee
Co-founder & CEO at Alta Alternative Investments


Kelvin is the Co-Founder and CEO of Alta Alternative Investments, a leading digital securities platform for alternative investments in Asia. Alta's mission is to democratize private investments, making them more accessible to everyone and transforming capital markets for the next generation of entrepreneurs and investors. With a comprehensive range of services including fund management, digital securities exchange, and private markets brokerage, Alta opens doors to opportunities in private equity, fixed income, PE/VC funds, and luxury assets among others. Kelvin’s role is primarily focused on ensuring that the platform serves its purpose of opening up private investment opportunities to a wider audience. Alta has managed over US$30 billion in mandated transactions and completed over US$700 million for private companies and funds. The company is headquartered in Singapore with offices in Malaysia, Indonesia.and India. Alta strives towards a more inclusive and equitable capital market where opportunities are not limited to a select few but are available to all aspiring investors and entrepreneurs. Prior to co-founding Alta, Kelvin was an investment banker at J.P. Morgan, covering clients in North and Southeast Asia, and had raised over USD20 billion for clients during his tenure. Prior to J.P. Morgan, he was with Standard Chartered working on leveraged and acquisition finance, balance sheet & capital structure optimisation, and other alternative structured capital raising solutions such as the securitisation of receivables and the provision of sale and leaseback structures. Kelvin is currently a member of the Singapore Business Federation's Young Business Leaders Network (YBLN) and Young Entrepreneurs Network (YEN).