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27 - 29 May 2025
Singapore Expo

Jiri Gabriel
Chief Operating Officer at MISTV


Jiri Gabriel, chief operating officer at MISTV, company providing fully integrated Software Solutions for TV Broadcasters and Advertising Sales have more than 15 years of experience in Broadcasting business on multiple technical and leading positions. Starting his career as a SW consultant and developer, quicky proceeding to leading position of project manager and later acting as a project and sales director, he is having a unique combination of technical, communication and leading skills. This combination allows him to approach even the most complex situations the TV market can offer from multiple points of view helping him to identify and to understand critical points of challenges to successfully overcome them. As a chief operating officer, he is responsible not only for all aspects of the MISTV daily operations as well as to accurately and efficiently organize all these activities and operations to support the company’s business strategy, but also for participation on the company’s major strategic and sales decisions.