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27 - 29 May 2025
Singapore Expo
The Rise of the Industrial Metaverse

Introduction to the Industrial Metaverse

The concept of the industrial metaverse is gaining traction as businesses look to digitalise processes and enhance efficiency. Speaking at the recent ATxEnterprise conference, Sojung Lee, an expert in industrial technology, drew a clear distinction between the consumer and industrial metaverse. While the consumer metaverse targets gaming, entertainment, and commerce, the industrial metaverse is tailored to manufacturing and operational sectors, focusing on revolutionising workflows through digital solutions.

The industrial metaverse merges advanced technologies such as 5G, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR), the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain. Together, these innovations form an interconnected ecosystem that integrates human workers and machines, streamlining shop floor activities and improving overall industrial processes.

TeamViewer's Role in Shaping the Future

TeamViewer, a global technology company, has positioned itself as a key player in the industrial metaverse by developing augmented reality solutions aimed at improving industrial operations. Initially recognised for its remote access and control solutions, TeamViewer has expanded its offerings to focus on industrial applications. Through its AR technologies, TeamViewer provides tools that enable real-time data access, hands-free guidance, and remote support, allowing frontline workers to operate more efficiently.

These solutions have had a tangible impact on the manufacturing sector. By integrating advanced AR systems, TeamViewer is helping industries achieve higher productivity and reduce human error on the shop floor. The company’s efforts are part of a broader push toward digital transformation across various sectors.

Use Cases and Collaborative Efforts

Several partnerships and case studies were presented to highlight the practical applications of TeamViewer’s AR solutions within the industrial metaverse. Notable collaborations include Hyundai Motor Group and Ford Motor Company, both of which have incorporated TeamViewer’s technology into their production processes. At Hyundai, the company’s AR tools have been used to visualize smart factory operations, while Ford has leveraged these systems to provide remote assistance to mechanics, enhancing service accuracy and efficiency.

Additionally, in the healthcare sector, TeamViewer has partnered with Uniting Care in Australia to offer real-time support for healthcare professionals working in remote locations. This has allowed for immediate diagnoses and assistance, improving patient outcomes and minimising travel costs for both medical staff and patients. These use cases underscore the versatility of the industrial metaverse, which spans industries as varied as manufacturing, automotive, and healthcare.

Sustainability and Future Prospects

A key focus of TeamViewer’s initiatives is sustainability. Sojung Lee emphasised that by enabling remote collaboration and reducing the need for travel, TeamViewer’s technology has contributed significantly to reducing carbon emissions. In the past year, the company and its clients avoided releasing approximately 41 megatons of CO2 into the atmosphere, a figure equivalent to nearly 42,000 round-trip flights between Tokyo and New York.

The industrial metaverse, according to Lee, represents a critical step in driving both innovation and sustainability. As industries continue to explore and adopt these technologies, the potential for further reducing environmental impact and optimising operational efficiency remains high. The session concluded with a call to action, inviting businesses to collaborate in developing new applications and exploring the future potential of the industrial metaverse.


The industrial metaverse is set to redefine how businesses operate by merging human expertise with cutting-edge technologies. As companies like TeamViewer continue to innovate, industries are poised to reap the benefits of digital transformation, driving efficiency, sustainability, and long-term growth. Through collaborations and strategic use of augmented reality, the industrial sector is on the verge of a technological revolution.

Watch the full session here

Business sustainability
Digital transformation
AI in healthcare
artificial intelligence

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