Call for Speakers
Got something to say? Bring your voice to the forefront at ATxEnterprise 2025!
The Tech Horizon: Fostering Innovation, Shaping the Future
ATxEnterprise 2025 is on the horizon, and we’re inviting trailblazers, industry leaders, and innovative thinkers to share their expertise and insights at Asia’s leading tech event. Whether you’re a professional with years of experience or a fresh voice with bold ideas, we want you on stage.
We seek dynamic speakers who can ignite discussions on critical topics like AI, cybersecurity, sustainability, digital transformation, and more. Submit your proposal to speak across one of our many stages offering you a unique platform for driving future advancements in key areas of tech innovation. Find the best fit for your expertise and join us to spark the next wave of innovation.

Lead the Future of Technology and Innovation
Engage with the world’s leading minds at ATxEnterprise. Our stages cover everything from broadcast and ICT to the latest tech innovations. This is your chance to drive the conversation, share your insights, and shape the digital future.
Whether your expertise lies in AI, FinTech, cybersecurity, sustainability, or business transformation, we welcome your voice to guide the discussions that matter most. Limited speaking slots available — submit your proposal now and be part of the narrative shaping tomorrow’s tech landscape!
Pioneering Themes: Your Launchpad to Ignite and Inspire
We're covering a wide range of topics across various stages at ATxEnterprise 2025. Whether your expertise lies in AI, cybersecurity, FinTech, or sustainability, there's a stage that fits your knowledge and insights. Explore the options below, find the perfect match for your expertise, and apply to be a speaker at the event. Applications close Friday, 31st January 2025.
Evaluation Criteria
What will be considered when evaluating your submission?
expand_moreSubmissions will be evaluated based on:
- Relevance to the overall programme.
- Interest to senior management/executive decision-makers.
- Presentation of latest/new knowledge of technological advancements and their practical applications in Asia.
- Experience of the speaker, with a preference for high-level or senior management speakers.
- Inclusion of research and/or case studies demonstrating the applications, advantages, and limitations of the technology.
- Focus on demonstrating how technology affects strategies, financial performance, and end-user services, rather than on technical details.
- Minimal commercialism and promotion of trade names in abstracts and presentations.
Submission Guidelines
Are there specific guidelines for submitting abstracts and biographies?
expand_moreYes, prospective speakers should submit an abstract and a professional biography, each not exceeding 150 words, prepared in English. The Organiser may adapt the information in the submitted abstract for publication in the event’s promotional materials.
Will the presentation material be included in the event proceedings?
expand_moreSpeakers whose abstracts are selected grant the organiser permission to include the presentation material in the event proceedings (printed/online). Speakers must obtain any necessary organisational clearance before submission.
What are the expectations regarding diversity in panel submissions?
expand_moreWe value diversity in all forms. Panels should represent a blend of diversity in gender, representation, and ideas.
Are speakers responsible for their own travel and accommodation?
expand_moreYes, speakers are responsible for managing and covering the costs of their travel and accommodation.
Post-Selection Process
How will I be contacted if my abstract submission is successful?
expand_morePlease provide complete contact details, including direct email and direct office line, so we can reach you if your abstract submission is successful.
How and when will I be notified if I am selected as a speaker?
expand_moreOnly selected speakers will be notified by email by 30th January 2024.
Is the Organiser’s decision on abstract selection and allocation final?
expand_moreYes, the Organiser’s decision is FINAL, and no further correspondence will be entertained.
Can the speaking slot or topic be changed after selection?
expand_moreSpeaking slots are limited, and you may be offered a different topic from the one initially applied for. Any changes in speaker and session must be approved by the content team. The organiser reserves the right to cancel the speaking slot under certain conditions.
What is the deadline for acknowledging the acceptance of a speaking slot?
expand_moreSelected speakers must respond with an acknowledgement within 5 working days to confirm their participation. Failing to do so may result in the initial acceptance being withdrawn.
The Organiser does not accept responsibility for emails not received due to mistakes in submission, change of contact, or other unforeseen circumstances.
Can there be a change in speakers after selection?
expand_moreAny change in speakers must be submitted to the Organiser for approval.